Vultr新用戶送100美元活動將於本月底結束 送50美元活動仍然有效



Did you know tht the Vult Refel Pogm hs pid-out oe $500,000 in 202 so f to customes like you R just fo efeing you fiends to Vult?

We wnted to let you know tht we he extended the cuent Gie $00, Get $25 efel pomotion. Refe you fiends nd they will get $00 in til cedit, nd you will get $25 when they become pid custome. To tke dntge, simply login to you Vult ccount, nd send you unique Gie $00, Get $25 efel link to you fiends.

This pomotion ends t the end of this month. To qulify, get you efels in by Septembe 30. Full pogm detils e ilble hee.


The Vult Tem

該郵件的大致內容是Vult的“Gie $00, Get $25”活動於9月30日結束,月底前通過00美元優惠鏈接註冊Vult賬戶還是可以獲贈00美元賬戶餘額的。



通過點擊上面專屬活動鏈接到活動頁面,輸入註冊郵箱和密碼,點擊“Cete fee ccount”即可註冊Vult賬號並獲得免費的50美元賬戶餘額。